9-9:05 : Dr. Eric Bapteste (CNRS, MNHN, France) Welcome words The current theoretical framework and some of its limits 9:05-9:30 : Pr.…
9-9:05 : Dr. Eric Bapteste (CNRS, MNHN, France) Welcome words The current theoretical framework and some of its limits 9:05-9:30 : Pr.…
9:00-9:05: A few welcome words. Dr. E. Bapteste (CNRS, ISYEB, Paris, France) 9:06-9:26: Today’s Biology: The microbiome within the microbiome. …
The colloquium « Interdépendance, pandémies et changement climatique« , organized by the Academie Européenne Interdisciplinaire des Sciences, took place at the Institut…
9:-9:05: Dr. Eric Bapteste (UMR ISYEB, CNRS, Paris) « A few welcome words » The current theoretical framework and some…
9:00-9:05 : A few welcome words. Dr. E. Bapteste (CNRS, ISYEB, Paris, France) 9:06-9:26 (in English): Evolutionary Biology…
Eric Bapteste interview by Caroline Lachowsky on French radio, entitled « Jusqu’où nous ménerons les microbiomes ? » (where will microbiomes take…
Eric Bapteste’s speech at Congreso Futuro 2023, an international conference held in Santiago (Chile). The video shows the various speakers…
Eric Bapteste’s interview by TVN Chile (Chile’s national television) following his participation to Congreso Futuro 2023. Relevant section starts at…
Eric Bapteste’s seminar at ISYEB on May 16th 2023 (in French)
Eric Bapteste’s public conference held in Paris (in French)
Eric Bapteste’s interview for Progress, Potential and Possibilities on 01/02/2023
This colloquium was held partly online and partly on site on October 4th 2022 and was funded by French National…
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Campus Jussieu
Bâtiment A, 4eme et. pièce 429
Sorbonne Université
75005 Paris – France
Phone: +33144273470
Mail: epbapteste(at)gmail.com
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