This colloquium was held partly online and partly on site on May 10th 2022 and was funded by Museum National…
This colloquium was held partly online and partly on site on May 10th 2022 and was funded by Museum National…
Eric Bapteste’s talk at the ‘Connect the Living’ conference, held at IRCAM Paris, and broadcasted on March 11th 2022
Eric Bapteste and Evelyne Heyer talk ‘Genetics and Bacteria’ for a French Podcast at Université de Lyon (France) The full…
This colloquium was held partly online and partly on site on October 4th 2021 and was funded by French National…
Eric Bapteste shares his insight into viruses and how they evolved to target human cells, as part of Finding Genius…
This virtual colloquium was held online on March 23rd 2021 and was funded by French National Center for Scientific Research…
An audio conference by Eric Bapteste at Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris, France). Audio and description, courtesy of ENS Paris, cand…
Online conference we held in Paris. For program and videos, click below
Congreso Futuro Chile 2019 – « La Evolución de la Especie » (In Spanish)
‘Le vivant a sa matière noire’, 27ème Nuit des Etoiles (Fleurance, Juillet 2017)
‘Les battements du temps’, Rencontre transdisciplinaires du centre d’Etude du Vivant (Université Paris Diderot, April 3rd 2018)
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Campus Jussieu
Bâtiment A, 4eme et. pièce 429
Sorbonne Université
75005 Paris – France
Phone: +33144273470
Mail: epbapteste(at)gmail.com
© Evol-net. All Rights Reserved. Background images courtesy of Jordane Saget