Aging International Colloquium (October 14th 2024)

9-9:05 : Dr. Eric Bapteste (CNRS, MNHN, France) Welcome words

The current theoretical framework and some of its limits

9:05-9:30 : Pr. Suresh Rattan (Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, DENMARK) « Deepest open issues in the theories of ageing and its evolution»


Microbiome and Ageing

9:55-10:20 : Pr. Paul O’Toole (School of Microbiology & APC Microbiome Institute  Room 447 Food Science Building, University College Cork, T12 Y337 Cork, Ireland.) « Contribution of the gut microbiome to human ageing at different ages »

10:20-10:45 : Pr. Dario Valenzano (Leibniz Institute on Ageing,  Beutenbergstraße 1107745 Jena, Germany) « Evolution of the microbiome during host ageing and rejuvenation»

10:45-11:10 : Dr. François Trottein (Pasteur Lille, France) « Viral infections and mammalian aging »

Alternative models to study ageing

11:15-11:40 : Pr. Ulrich Karl Steiner (Institute of Biology, FU-Berlin, Germany) « Latest discoveries about bacterial ageing. »

11:40-12:05 : Dr. Mart Krupovic (Pasteur Institute, Paris, France) « First evidence of ageing in Archaea. »

12:05-12:30 : Dr. Jean-François Le Galliard (CNRS – UMS 3194, CEREEP-Ecotron IleDeFrance, Département de biologie, Ecole Normale Supérieure – PSL Research University, St-Pierre-lès-Nemours, France) “Ecology and ageing: lizard senescence as a case study

Organisational complexity and ageing

14:15-14:40 : Mr. Thomas Duffield (Institute of Inflammation and Ageing ; University of Birmingham ; Queen Elizabeth Hospital ; Mindelsohn Way Birmingham, B15 2WB United Kingdom) « Epigenetics failure and ageing »

14:40-15:05 : Pr. Claudio Franceschi (U. Bologna, Italy) « Heterogeneity in individual ageing« 

15:05-15:30 : Dr. Eric Chenin (IRD / UMMISCO, MNHN / GBIF France) “Three stages of system aging: malleability, elasticity and rigidity

Evolution of ageing and ageing related diseases

15:35-16:00 : Dr. Samuel Pavard (MNHN, Paris, France) « Joint evolution of cancer and ageing related diseases in mammals »

16:00-16:25 : Mr. Hugo Bonnefous (SU, ISYEB, Paris, France) « Evolutionary history of Ageing-Related Disease genes ».


16:25-16:50 : Dr. Maël Lemoine (Université de Bordeaux, France) « What are the deepest philosophical issues about ageing and its evolution?»

Because some of the results that are presented in this talk are not published, this speaker didn’t wish to have his presentation available online but the PDF can be found here.

16:50-17:15 : Dr. Jessica Lombard (ETHICS – EA 7446, Université Catholique de Lille) «  Transhumanist movements and Evolutionary theories of aging: Uses and Misuses »

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