‘New Challenges Induced by Microbiomes’ Conference #3, October 4th 2022, Paris

This colloquium was held partly online and partly on site on October 4th 2022 and was funded by French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).

Please bear in mind that most of the talks are given in English, but some are in French.


9:00-9:05 : Introducing REVMICNAT and welcome words.  Dr. E. Bapteste (CNRS, ISYEB, Paris, France)


9:06-9:26 : Earth System Science : How microbiome contribute to shape planetary boundaries ? Pr. Tim Lenton (U. Exeter, UK)



9:27-9:47 : Today’s Biology: How microbiome studies enhanced our knowledge on Life diversity and its underlying processes ? Pr. Laura Hug (Canada Research Chair in Environmental Microbiology, U. Waterloo, Canada)



9:48-10:08 : Today’s Biology: How microbiome boosted knowledge of bacteriophages ? Dr. Sébastien Halary (Molécules de Communication et Adaptation des Micro-organismes, MNHN, France)



10:09-10:29 : Today’s Biology: Some surprising findings from air microbiome studies Dr. Catherine Larose (CNRS, Lyon, France)



10:30-10:50 : Today’s Biology: Integrating Microbiomology with Systems Biology, lessons from a bioinformatician viewpoint. Dr. Marco Fondi (Dep. of Biology, University of Florence, Italy)


10 :55-11 :15 : Medical Anthropology :  Anthropology : revisiting health and forensic issues in the light of paleomicrobiomes Pr. Philippe Charlier (Laboratoire Anthropologie, Archéologie, Biologie (LAAB), Université Paris-Saclay (UVSQ) & musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, France)


11 :16-11 :36 : Anthropology :Microbes in human and social sciences Dr. Charlotte Brives & Alexis Zimmer (Centre Emile Durkheim (UMR 5116), Bordeaux ; et Département d’histoire des sciences de la vie et de la santé, Faculté de Médecine, Strasbourg)



11 :37-11 :57 : Museology and microbiomes. How can one put microbiomes in museums ? Olivier Zeitoun (Centre Pompidou, Paris, France)


13 :30-13 :50 : Popular Sciences: Microbiomes and popular science writing:  how to make microbes really charming ? Dr Giulia Enders (Germany)


13 :51-14:11 : Literature: Who/What is the microbiological self ? Some answers from contemporary literature Dr. Liliane Campos (English and Theatre Studies at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University, France)



14 :12-14 :32 :  Legal Science: Recent legal developments to cope with microbiomes Dr. Géraldine Aïdan (CERSA, UMR 7106, CNRS – Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Paris) 



14 :33-14 :53 : Tomorrow’s Biology: How microbiome studies set new frontiers in immunology ? Dr. Gerard Eberl (Institut Pasteur, France) 



14 :54-15 :14 : Tomorrow’s Biology: Microbiome-based therapies : what can really be trusted ? Dr. Ana Perez Cobas (Department of Microbiology, Ramón y Cajal Institute for Health Research (IRYCIS), Ramón y Cajal University Hospital, Spain)



15 :15-15 :35 : Tomorrow’s BiologyChallenges and promises in the field of synthetic microbiomes Dr. Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro (Faculty of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London, UK)


15 :40-16 :00 : Philosophy : Microbiomes and units of selection: have we identified all critical players in the struggle for Life ? Dr. François Papale (Dalhousie University, Canada)


16 :01-16 :21 Architectural design : What microbiomes change to architectural design ?  Dr. Phillippe Rahm (Paris, France, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippe_Rahm)


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